Friday, October 09, 2009
I've not touched(much less visited) this site in ages. The main reason is that I'm feeling that I'm going to talk about politics here, which isn't appropriate. Guess I'll continue this once I'm no longer bonded by the Malaysian Autocratic Government. Time to focus on my life. Bye-bye all~ :)
Friday, June 01, 2007
Not so Joyful Lina
I've expected this result the day it came out in The Star. As a liberal atheist born in a conservative Muslim country, thats another blow to freedom. Freedom guaranteed under the Constitution. A Constitution filled with holes. You don't need to be Tiger to hit a hole-in-one for this!
Just a few months back, I had a very meaningful chat with a friend of mine. He isn't M'sian and I'm quoting his words(ya, I still remember) so don't tell me that I'm not a Muslim and not supposed to even bring up such a sensitive topic. That friend of mine is the so called 'Good Muslim' who doesn't need to be told when to pray, what food to avoid and how to blow up the Americans.
"My dad is a Muslim, my mum is a Muslim, I'm a Muslim. Hey, since when is Muslim genetically transferable? I don't care, I don't want to believe in this crazy religion, I like beer. Tell me J.C, why is this happening to me? I don't want to be a Muslim! "
Me: Don't ask me! Ask your god Allah! Why ask me? I don't care about what you believe or not lol! If you don't like it so much, just quit!
"I can do this in Japan, but once I'm back in my country, the police will kill me!"
Me: You make your own liquor in your backyard, you think the police actually gives a damn?
"If they don't know, then its ok. I wanna go to America to practice a new religion, if they let me in that is"
Me: If you don't bring a nuclear bomb along, let them do a full body 'harassment' on you, stay in the prison for a few years for being an Iranian trying to find a new life in America, then you might succeed!
".......I'll stay in Japan and pretend to be a Turkish, otherwise I won't be allowed to enter clubs here"
Me: Good luck~~!
We actually covered a wider topic about Muslim rather than those few sentences. I must admit, with my limited knowledge and ignorance, I don't think I'd learn much. But I don't give much of a damn anyway.
So, theres a few shocking thing I learned, that M'sia is VERY strict about the Muslim religion. According to him, Iranians are way more secular then us! Yes, officially, Muslim is the only religion and unlike M'sia, alcoholic drinks is almost impossible to be found in the country(don't mention karaoke and clubs lol!) Surprisingly though, there those who went around this law by planting their own alcoholic stuffs at their own backyard(like my friend here!) According to him, Asahi Super Dry is better than homemade though :p
I asked him how ppl date in his country, and surprise surprise!
"You ppl can hold hands in M'sia and kiss right?"
Me: Ya, if you are not a Muslim, you can do that.
"Oh, in my place, we can't do that, so we do it all online. You go to some of those popular chat sites and try asking where they are from. Everyone will say I'm from Iran! We went high-tech, unlike America and Japan, we use technology!"
Me:How does the guys and gals meet then?
"We set a 'date' in a place like a shopping complex wearing a predetermined item/colour clothes, then we'll walk pass that spot a few times until we see each other"
Me: Then? Then?
"We walk past each other and pass a piece of paper with our photos, letters, and maybe a present"
Me: Damn, that actually sounds quite romantic if I live in the 1900's. You should use u know, those birds called pigeons(goes on explaining what a pigeon is).
"Nah, no need for that, I'm in Japan now J.C! My Jap gf is great, in bed and in the clubs! I love her!"
Me: You lucky F%#ker!
NO Iranians, Americans and M'sians were harmed in the making of this conversation. My friend's family have recently migrated to Japan. No worries I hope!
Just a few months back, I had a very meaningful chat with a friend of mine. He isn't M'sian and I'm quoting his words(ya, I still remember) so don't tell me that I'm not a Muslim and not supposed to even bring up such a sensitive topic. That friend of mine is the so called 'Good Muslim' who doesn't need to be told when to pray, what food to avoid and how to blow up the Americans.
"My dad is a Muslim, my mum is a Muslim, I'm a Muslim. Hey, since when is Muslim genetically transferable? I don't care, I don't want to believe in this crazy religion, I like beer. Tell me J.C, why is this happening to me? I don't want to be a Muslim! "
Me: Don't ask me! Ask your god Allah! Why ask me? I don't care about what you believe or not lol! If you don't like it so much, just quit!
"I can do this in Japan, but once I'm back in my country, the police will kill me!"
Me: You make your own liquor in your backyard, you think the police actually gives a damn?
"If they don't know, then its ok. I wanna go to America to practice a new religion, if they let me in that is"
Me: If you don't bring a nuclear bomb along, let them do a full body 'harassment' on you, stay in the prison for a few years for being an Iranian trying to find a new life in America, then you might succeed!
".......I'll stay in Japan and pretend to be a Turkish, otherwise I won't be allowed to enter clubs here"
Me: Good luck~~!
We actually covered a wider topic about Muslim rather than those few sentences. I must admit, with my limited knowledge and ignorance, I don't think I'd learn much. But I don't give much of a damn anyway.
So, theres a few shocking thing I learned, that M'sia is VERY strict about the Muslim religion. According to him, Iranians are way more secular then us! Yes, officially, Muslim is the only religion and unlike M'sia, alcoholic drinks is almost impossible to be found in the country(don't mention karaoke and clubs lol!) Surprisingly though, there those who went around this law by planting their own alcoholic stuffs at their own backyard(like my friend here!) According to him, Asahi Super Dry is better than homemade though :p
I asked him how ppl date in his country, and surprise surprise!
"You ppl can hold hands in M'sia and kiss right?"
Me: Ya, if you are not a Muslim, you can do that.
"Oh, in my place, we can't do that, so we do it all online. You go to some of those popular chat sites and try asking where they are from. Everyone will say I'm from Iran! We went high-tech, unlike America and Japan, we use technology!"
Me:How does the guys and gals meet then?
"We set a 'date' in a place like a shopping complex wearing a predetermined item/colour clothes, then we'll walk pass that spot a few times until we see each other"
Me: Then? Then?
"We walk past each other and pass a piece of paper with our photos, letters, and maybe a present"
Me: Damn, that actually sounds quite romantic if I live in the 1900's. You should use u know, those birds called pigeons(goes on explaining what a pigeon is).
"Nah, no need for that, I'm in Japan now J.C! My Jap gf is great, in bed and in the clubs! I love her!"
Me: You lucky F%#ker!
NO Iranians, Americans and M'sians were harmed in the making of this conversation. My friend's family have recently migrated to Japan. No worries I hope!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Meet Big Boss!
Shi Han*Serious* : We'll leave at 3.30pm to catch the 4pm train! Don't let ppl wait for us ok!!
A few hours later~~
Shi Han*Smilling* : 4pm?! Kenot la.
Don't you just love being a M'sian? :)
Ok, we weren't actually too late. Still have to wait for the VVVIP to arrive. Everyone just waiting anxiously for someone to just say "Ok, you can eat now!" LOL!
They came, they talked, I don't remember shit!!
See how long I've talked! I'm sweating like crazy! I'll take off my clothes. Who cares? I'm not in Japan for nothing!
5-Star, most expensive in Osaka, so good that every VVIP who comes to Osaka comes here. I guess 5 stars also means that they can count up till' the 5th word only huh? U think I'm crabbing? Guess whats their hotel name?
See! No 6th word!
p.s. If any RRH people is reading this, I'm seriously interested to work as a spelling 'corrector' in your hotel chain. I'm a SPM qualified student with 20 years of Manglish under my belt, speaks in perfect jabber and, with an expensive e-dictionary, able to correct almost any spelling errors that your hotel had/may make. Come on! Give me a shot! (Don't bother if its anything less than 300,000 a month)
Our PM is just a star for that night. Take pictures here, take pics there, sign here, sign there, shake here, shake there.
See, see! All this 'jakuns' haven't seen a PM before...I've shook hands with him a few years back dee lo! And for your info, when I was in Langkawi 2 months ago, I saw Mahathir ok! We were dining the same restaurant somemore! Ok, he was dining, I'm was just 'eating wind'....but still better than nothing right!
Talking about expensive hotels, this is interesting! I mean its just moving a 80kg bathtub out of a hotel, how hard can it be?!
A few hours later~~
Shi Han*Smilling* : 4pm?! Kenot la.
Don't you just love being a M'sian? :)
See! No 6th word!
p.s. If any RRH people is reading this, I'm seriously interested to work as a spelling 'corrector' in your hotel chain. I'm a SPM qualified student with 20 years of Manglish under my belt, speaks in perfect jabber and, with an expensive e-dictionary, able to correct almost any spelling errors that your hotel had/may make. Come on! Give me a shot! (Don't bother if its anything less than 300,000 a month)
Talking about expensive hotels, this is interesting! I mean its just moving a 80kg bathtub out of a hotel, how hard can it be?!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
The Year Of The 3quel
Sorry for being absent for a long time. I just didn't have the mood(and will) to write during my trip back up till today. Maybe I'm growing tired of all this?
Cut that away, I'm starting my blog after a long hiatus with a few movies I've been anticipating. 2007 is officially a moviegoers years since there are tons of new(thats actually interesting) movies. Heres what I'm waiting for:

3 in a row, 3 times without fail, I got to watch spiderman on the 1st day its being premiered. 1st of May, it was for Japan. I'd used to complain about how slow movies are being premiered in Japan and how by that time its premiered, its actually available in to be downloaded. Not this time its not!
This show is much better than Spidey 1 & 2 cos theres more to the eyes now. Better special effects, Gwen Stacy(berry pretty), a twisty ending and also Gwen Stacy. Enough said, if you haven't watch this movie yet(I doubt it though), run to your nearest cinema NOW!
Release Date: 1st May 2007
Johnny Depp is back for this (supposedly) final climatic swashbuckler movie this spring. Anticipate more slapstick humors from him which never fails to impress the whole cinema. I'm still truly amazed how he could be so carefree yet manage to be the most wanted dead in the entire film. If only I could live such an interesting life after a few bottles of rum!
Orlando Bloom? Nah! I'd rather see how our god of gambler kick ass in this film! Go 'Tou San'!
Release Date: 25th May 2007
I've watched Shrek in the cinema, watched Shrek 2 in the cinema TWICE, and I'm hoping I don't do anything stupid for Shrek 3. Why I like it so much? Well, unlike most Disney animations, this doesn't have any 'childish moral of the story' towards the end. Instead, theres lots and lots of unsangkarable(unimaginable) parodies, straight forwardly simple storyline, yet smart enough to make everyone smiling like that donkey throughout the entire film. Nothing stupid like watching it only once in the cinemas ok!
Release Date: 30th June 2007
Ok, this isn't actually a 3rd sequel or even any sequel. This is my childhood dream cartoon turn ing into a full blast action-sci fi movie. To see my favourite F-22 Raptor transforming(hence the name) into a killer robot is more than enough to set me a date with this movie. However, I'm a lil sceptical about cartoon adapted movies, usually, the storyline is either way out of the original version, or too similar to be creative. Spidey did it, so I guess I'll just have to check it out to know!
Release Date: 4th August 2007
What are the odds of getting even? 13 to one
I was so close about forgetting this show. It did badly during the 2nd part, but 13 isn't always a bad number, so I'm giving their exceptional cast a chance. Since this is also the final part of the 'oceans' trilogy, why not?
The 3 most suave guys in the entire trilogy. *No matter how 'cute' you girls think Brat Pitt is, PLZ don't watch Babel, PLZ!!*
Release Date:11th August 2007
Yatta! This isn't actually a movie, but I'm including it exclusively in this post cost this TV series is really-really good! Most of the guys I know have heard about it, but let me talk about it still.
If you have guessed it from the tittle, peoples across the globe discover that they have extraordinary abilities, from the cheerleader who realizes she is invincible, to the office worker who can bend space and time. These strangers are discovering they are meant for something bigger....
If you think this is about mutants in fancy costumes, or sexy/handsome ppl trying to save the world(think X-men), then you are absolutely wrong! And unlike most 'black & white' show of good versus evil, this is absolutely gray(not gay!) It emphasizes on human emotions, and questionable acts in order to safe the future. I tell you, this show is soo good, that at this current moment, I'm 101% hooked to its idea and concept. No more hours of never ending 24 series, or dead bodies in CSI, or even calling a show Prison Break when its obvious they are already out. This show is totally ori! I'm not alone here, I have millions of Americans(and my sis's bf) to support what I've just said.
If you've taken my word for it, prepare tons of junk foods, a comfy bed/sofa, lock your door, and remember to go to the toilet. Once you've started, you'd thank me! And remember "Save the cheerleader, safe the world!"
Something to get you started...
Cut that away, I'm starting my blog after a long hiatus with a few movies I've been anticipating. 2007 is officially a moviegoers years since there are tons of new(thats actually interesting) movies. Heres what I'm waiting for:

3 in a row, 3 times without fail, I got to watch spiderman on the 1st day its being premiered. 1st of May, it was for Japan. I'd used to complain about how slow movies are being premiered in Japan and how by that time its premiered, its actually available in to be downloaded. Not this time its not!
This show is much better than Spidey 1 & 2 cos theres more to the eyes now. Better special effects, Gwen Stacy(berry pretty), a twisty ending and also Gwen Stacy. Enough said, if you haven't watch this movie yet(I doubt it though), run to your nearest cinema NOW!
Release Date: 1st May 2007

Release Date: 25th May 2007

Release Date: 30th June 2007

Release Date: 4th August 2007
What are the odds of getting even? 13 to one

Release Date:11th August 2007

If you have guessed it from the tittle, peoples across the globe discover that they have extraordinary abilities, from the cheerleader who realizes she is invincible, to the office worker who can bend space and time. These strangers are discovering they are meant for something bigger....
If you think this is about mutants in fancy costumes, or sexy/handsome ppl trying to save the world(think X-men), then you are absolutely wrong! And unlike most 'black & white' show of good versus evil, this is absolutely gray(not gay!) It emphasizes on human emotions, and questionable acts in order to safe the future. I tell you, this show is soo good, that at this current moment, I'm 101% hooked to its idea and concept. No more hours of never ending 24 series, or dead bodies in CSI, or even calling a show Prison Break when its obvious they are already out. This show is totally ori! I'm not alone here, I have millions of Americans(and my sis's bf) to support what I've just said.
If you've taken my word for it, prepare tons of junk foods, a comfy bed/sofa, lock your door, and remember to go to the toilet. Once you've started, you'd thank me! And remember "Save the cheerleader, safe the world!"
Something to get you started...
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