Sunday, December 10, 2006

How To Survive Through Winter in 1 piece.

Winter is the best part of being in Japan. You couldn't say that you've been in Japan unless you've braved through the chilling winds, bizarrely white snow, the 5pm already dark days and the overly thick clothings. Winter in Japan, for those unexperienced, might prove disastrous if you don't know what to expect. Well, heres something that I've learned from my encounters.

1. Watch the news.-Look at the weather forecast report at those days you are planning to go out. A week ahead if you are going out for a holiday where weather reports aren't available. Keep track of the lowest temperature and weather so you'll be prepared at whatever mother nature throws at ya. You wouldn't wanna be the Malaysian running under the rain at 0C.
-Know which place if being covered with snow and is causing delays and jams.

2.No (electric)heater
-It crazy to off it, but its crazier to have it on during the entire night. Hot dry air in an enclosed room with little fresh air circulation, you are suffocating your own body!
Solution: Heat up the room a few hours prior to sleeping, then use blankets and futons to keep you warm. Time the heater to reactivate 2 hours before your timed waking. Saves electric bill and no risk of sparking a fire....

3.Chuck your thick jacket away
-Contrary to what most Malaysians believe, a thick winter jacket isn't gonna make you fell all warm and comfy. No matter how thick your jacket is, if its not wind resistant, its worthless.
Jackets are only to prevent temperature changes, so if its cold, its gonna keep you cold! Besides, theres no difference to the human skin between 0C, -5C or even -20C, all you feel is cold and the stinging pain on the skin(very dry air). To keep warm, wear some tight fitting clothes(yes, those that PAS wouldn't allow in Kelantan) beneath your jacket. During my last ski trip, I'd survive with only 1 really thin T-shirt and a windbreaker no thicker than the one I use in M'sia.

4.Avoid this places(in red)...if you plan to take a train, unless you like the snow a lot, and wouldn't mind seeing snow for the next 13 hours for your supposedly 6 hours trip.Solution: Take a bus or plane if you are rich. The downside of taking this two means of transportations are that you'll have to plan well ahead. Not suitable for the fickle minded or the spontaneous humans.

-Winter is all about being fat and putting on weight. Until the scientist comes out with a 100% safe medicine to keep you fit/slim, control is the only way. At cold weathers, hunger pangs occur very frequently! Submit to them and there goes your summer's hard work!
Solutions: Whenever 1 strikes, stop whatever you are doing & go to sleep. Sleep is the only stronger remedy besides eating itself.
Too bz with reports and studies? Gurgle with Listerine then, it works for me!

-I haven't experienced this firsthand yet, but try not to catch a flu/fever during this wonderful season. Temperature changes causes me to have slight fever once in a while, fortunately, nothing serious until I need to hibernate.

7.Drink more booze
-A little wine or liquor will keep you warm without much side effect. Avoid beers if calorie count is a problem. Preferably, go for a small glass of anything above 15% alcohol.

8.Get an alarm clock-I've said that sleep helps with the hunger, but did I mention that getting up is important too? That beauty sleep is important, but sleep too much & you'll be a beautiful sloth. Need help getting up? Get a XXLoud alarm clock like mine :p
Not everyone is so fortunate to have Kristin Kreuk/Prince Charming's kiss to wake you up.

9.Stay alive!
-Winter is a suicidal season. What not to say so? Sad songs all around, the coldness, the silence that accompanies get what I mean. If anyone of you have any, I mean ANY thoughts of suicide or anything that stupid, well, gimme a call. I'll try to talk you out of it.
Even if I fail, well, at least I'll make sure your money wouldn't be spent by the devil buying Pradas.
If you malu wanna call, this might help too:


cl3m` said...

on the contrary.. alcohol makes u all the colder as it is a blood thinner. new fact tht i just found out :P

Jeremy Cheong said...

Truthfully speaking, you are right, at one of the points. But alcohol increases the body's metabolic rate too...and from my exp, I've never been cold after a booze or two.

Anonymous said...

haha. good post. =D
drinking listerine helps ar? sory, i mean gurgling.. i oso find my apetite increase plus plus. and, its too cold to jog. haha. lame but good excuse.

Kelly said...

This is my 3rd attempt to comment here,dunno why it wont 'exist'..

I was saying erm...erm..oh,erm,ur post is dedicated to us is it?What a nice sempai..hahaha..

Trying to lose weight during winter instead of the opposite..hope it'll work

Celest said...

looks like a lot of research went into this post... hahah. keep up the good work :P