Friday, February 09, 2007

omg! I broke my leg?

It happened 5 days ago in the worst board-related accident I've ever had. It is kinda fuzzy to me now, all I remembered that day was that there was very little snow, I see a lot of kids skiing around me, I lost control of my snowboard while trying to change direction and *WHAMP!* 4 fences was torn down & a bulldozer greeted me :)

Fearing that I might turn out like Christopher Reeves, I immediately gave my hands some shaking and my neck some twisting.....ok, everything is fine. Tried moving my right leg, it responded, tried lifting my left 1 but felt nothing. Immediately, I had my snowboard removed while checking to make sure that I'm sitting on a safe spot and not in the middle of the deadly path. Tried moving my left leg this time and OUCH! It hurt so badly I almost cried(but decided not to cos I don't want any commotions) Fortunately for me, my short stint as a scout really helped. I gave myself a simple body check and nothing seems to be out of place.

Decided that I can't do much sitting there, I boarded down the rest of the hill hoping to get some rest down at the resting area. Immediately after reaching though, I had a change in mind & did the thing I wasn't even supposed to think of....I took the lift back up, up to the starting point again. I must admit, I was half limping t that time, but my brain doesn't seem to mind when theres still the slightest willpower left inside. At the peak, a few horrified looking friends who saw what happened asked if I'm ok...."No, I'm not ok, my leg hurts like hell now! Now, can you move away plz, you are blocking my way down!" With that, I completed only 5 more trips up and down the hill cos of time constrain.

The funniest things for me, is that a few who witnessed my fall only slided down was their 1st time, so I guess my fall must have scared the living hell out of them. Well, too bad, it hurt a lot at that time, but its just not me to give up like that! This was when I found out something I've always suspected to be true....before this, doing something I want usually involves money, logistic & some guts. At that moment however, even with the prospect of a broken bone looming around the corner didn't stop me. I proved that the bull inside me must be 'stubborn' like the 1 in KLSE right now. When I wanna do something badly, I'll do it no matter what!

Well, walking was a chore on the 1st day, but on the 2nd, it wasn't that bad anymore, by the 3rd day however, thinking that its alright now, I decided to do some 'exercise'...Big mistake, cos the 'pin poking at my knee' sensation can be felt again...badly! Made another mistake for playing football during PE(albeit relegated to a defender only!) Its the 5th day now but I'm still not sure if I have any cracked bones. I don't think I'll find out or want to find out. Don't need some doc to advise me to rest more, avoid this food, bla bla bla....worst of all if I need to have my leg covered in Plaster of Paris! No way!(You can pierce my skin, stuff me a mouthful of medicines, but not take my freedom away!)

I'll just trust my body for now while making sure no 'unfamiliar' lumps appear(sign of broken bones) Hope its just a twisted knee and nothing more, I still wanna run around when I'm back in M'sia. Anyway, anyone wants anything from Jap? Sookie the 'tak tau malu punya cha bor' already asked for 2 mags called 'Ageha'. Don't be malu, just shoot!

p.s. I didn't get my pictures from my friend, but since her sis was with us the last time, you can stalk her post about the trip here, here, here, here, here & here
A word of warning, the amount of pics are enuf to make Cheesie & Xiaxue both jealous! Now, don't say I didn't warn you...


Kelly said...

better be careful of the leg arr

Anonymous said...

another accident...