Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Zushi Sushi

Have fun...and don't you dare move your head from this clip for even a sec!


Kelly said...

ewww,he wiped everything wtih that towel!?!?!?!??!?!

Jeremy Cheong said...

Welcome to Japan :p

jlshyang said...

That clip is so funny but that's Japan right? Hahahaha.

Jeremy Cheong said...

Its is Japan, but not 100% true la...a lot of exaggeration in it.

Ying Swan said...

WaHAHAhaha.. for some reason that clip gave me goosebumps.. i watch till.. aiiyyeerr... hahahhaa.. good one good one..

Anonymous said...

never heard got shio in front of the shop....

Jeremy Cheong said...

Its supposed to keep the evil spirits & bad luck from entering their shops....I think modern shops don't really believe in this anymore. Or maybe cos so ppl kept on eating the salt outside until the have to hide it? :P